Prof. Lena - 1ABCD - Inglês - Semana de 28/09 a 02/10

 Bom dia!

Você assistiu a aula do Centro de Mídias do dia 25/09?

Responda de acordo com o vídeo:

1. Qual a definição em inglês de Energia Cinética?

2. Traduza:

American researchers, from Harvard University, created a ball that transforms kinetic energy kicks into electricity. It is an invention that can be used as a source for luminaries, to charge electronic devices, such as cell phones and LED lamps. The invention was called ''Soccket'', a mixture of ''soccer'' and ''socket''.

It is estimated that 15 minutes of kicks can generate energy for a LED lamp for about 3 hours. The ball weighs 28 grams, more than an ordinary ball, and is made of resistant and durable material.

The first versions were taken for families that do not have access to electricity, in South Africa, Mexico and Brazil. It was even tested at the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

3. Retire 10 cognatos do texto acima.

4. Qual o nome dos dois pesquisadores que inventaram o ''Soccket''?

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